These thoughts are extremely useful for me to prepare for my own parents departure from this realm. Thanks you for this valuable advice Moe ❤️

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Very touching. It's always incredibly frustrating when those we love and care about do not understand our political, social and economic choices, or even seem to reinforce the mainstream narrative, but in the case of your (second) father one might well argue that he could have rejected you on the basis of those same dissimilarities. Love has the ability to triumph over everything, it seems, at least when people are not wearing different uniforms and happen to share a larger number of genes.

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Thanks Troy - we did not share any 'family/blood'genes with our Second Dad, but maybe there are other things beyond immediate family genes shared...?

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Sorry, I was thinking more generally at the end there. I don't happen to believe that blood is thicker than water any more, so yes, there are definitely other factors at work.

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Thanks Troy.

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