I felt this decline in the veracity of 'media studies'. Wasn't it McLuhan who coined the phrase 'media'? I remember being inspired to investigate media after seeing Chris Morris's news spoof The Day Today and subsequent other productions. It was later on I read McLuhan and listened to many hours of his lectures & discussions online. He really opened up my mind in approaching this new technological world of media. Neil Postman was my next discovery with Tecnopoply & other books. But trying to find anyone after Postman continuing this line of enquiry into the world of the Internet sort of disappeared. As the world of media surround became more pervasive & all encompassing the less insight seemed to exist in scrutinising it. Where are the great minds now to expose this technological tyrany?

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Maybe it is time for us all to become the great minds - "No More Heroes Anymore!" Just us compadre, just us.

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